Spring Equinox, Somerset
March 19th – 21st, 2019

The Spring Equinox Festival celebrates the Celtic celebration of Ostara, which is the basis of our Easter celebrations, and reflects the birth of new beginnings. A time to celebrate the season of spring, this is one of the most important and powerful retreats of the New Year.
The equinox focuses on the balance of light and dark and at this point the light is triumphant and the days will become longer than the lights. Just as the spring is paying homage to all new life, all healing begins as a thought, a change of consciousness and this is the ideal time to go forward and to plant new seeds of hope and fertility.
One of the most creative and transformational retreats of the year.
During the retreat we will be looking at how we can birth new ideas and directions, including seeking changes in our personal relationships, professional life, and spirituality.